Mentorship for Men

I’m here to mentor you in becoming a great husband to your wife and a leader in your calling. God has anointed us as husbands to excel in both areas because if one is lacking, the other suffers. We are called to be great in both family and calling. If you would like to explore mentoring with me, please complete the request form below.

    First and Last Name

    Email Address

    Mobile Phone Number

    Location (State/Country)

    What has God called you to do?

    What are some of the biggest accomplishments you have achieved in your career/calling?

    What are some of the biggest disappointments you have experienced in your career/calling?

    What impact has your calling had on the lives of others?

    How long have you been married?

    What things would you like to improve in your marriage?

    In what ways would my mentorship help you become better in marriage and your calling?

    Investing in mentorship involves a financial and time commitment. After our initial conversation, we'll determine whether we are a good fit to work together and talk about the specific investment and time logistics.