Does God want you rich?

Does God want you rich?



In this chat, I explore whether God desires wealth for His followers, delving into the debate surrounding the prosperity gospel. This belief system suggests that God wants us to be both healthy and wealthy, a view that faces both criticism and support. Drawing from my own experiences and biblical stories, I advocate for the belief that God indeed wants prosperity for us. This perspective is backed by the story of Jacob in the Old Testament, who went from being an employee to an entrepreneur, thus unlocking the prosperity that was always meant for him. I emphasize that prosperity depends on faith, following God’s directions, and putting effort into ventures with the potential for limitless growth, like entrepreneurship. Additionally, I highlight the critical importance of ensuring that the quest for wealth doesn’t eclipse our relationship with God or lead us down unethical paths. The core message I want to convey is that God’s heart for our prosperity aligns with the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation, echoing a parent’s natural desire for their children’s well-being and success.