Following God’s laws for marriage with common sense.



I’m discussing the importance of properly following God’s laws in marriage, acknowledging that while God’s laws are absolute, there are instances where certain laws take precedence over others in cases of conflict. For instance, although the Bible designates the husband as the head of the home, it does not permit him to be harsh with his wife, emphasizing that leadership does not include the right to violate or mistreat.

Similarly, while prioritizing one’s spouse over children is a biblical principle, the command for husbands not to provoke their children to wrath illustrates how this principle can be overridden if it leads to harm. This approach to following God’s laws involves balancing the letter of the law with its spirit, using both the Word and common sense to navigate conflicts.

I emphasize that knowing and understanding God’s Word is crucial, but so is recognizing that it does not provide a license to sin under the guise of leadership or authority. My message is to encourage believers to follow God’s ways thoughtfully, being mindful of the hierarchy of principles when conflicts arise.